CIS Junior High School, Introduction
Junior High School

In the junior high program students are exposed to the sub categories within science, health, mathematics, social studies, English language arts, Japanese, art, music, coding, and physical education. Teachers also ensure that student technology skills are developed along with the subject specific skills in each subject area. English language arts provides students with opportunities to study specific genres of literature, such as poetry, short stories, novels and essays often using technology as a learning tool. Throughout the English program speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing, and representing skills are further developed.
Students' self concept, personal expectations and intrinsic motivation are some of the most important indicators of student success at these grade levels. At CIS we ensure that student achievements are recognized, and shortcomings are identified and assisted. It is important to note that at the junior high grade level comparisons with other students will not be overstressed. Students are learning about their own strengths and are encouraged to focus on that, while recognizing areas that need to be constantly supported.
Often during these years in particular students first experiment with leadership and responsibility. CIS ensures that students participate in group and extra curricular activities providing opportunities for the development of student leadership. Also students in junior high school are encouraged to further understand the connectedness of actions and consequences.